• There is a very quiet and typical Dutch residential area located on the north side of ‘s-Hertogenbosch station which is on the south side of the Netherlands. These strange residential buildings suddenly appear by the side of the canal surrounded by parks. The buildings look like large golf balls. These buildings were designed by Dries Kreijkamp (1937 – 2014) who used to be a product designer and a sculptor. He was highly interested in the spherical form for some time. He considered round shapes as the most seminal and natural accommodation, both for people and for animals..

    オランダの南方、‘s-Hertogenbosch駅の北方に位置する、オランダのらしい閑静な住宅街。公園に挟まれた運河の水際に、突如現れる不思議な住宅群。一見、巨大化されたゴルフボールのようにも見える。この住宅群は、プロダクトデザイナー兼彫刻家のDries Kreijkamp (1937 – 2014)によって1980年に設計された。Dries Kreijkampは球体は人間と動物にとって、最も自然で根本的な住環境であるという理論を元に、球体という形体に興味を持った時期があった。

  • The spherical houses, built in 1984, have a self-supporting outer wall, constructed with the building material (Polymer) Fibreglass Reinforced Cement developed by DSM, a Dutch company. The spherical houses are the smallest type designed by Dries Kreijkamp. A house is designed to have a single person or couples with no child. A house is 5.5m in diameter, 124 cubic meters and 55 square meters.

    外壁は球体として構造的に自立しており、DSMというオランダの会社によって開発された、ポリマー強化セメントでできている。この住宅は、Dries Kreijkampが設計した球体住宅の中でも最もスケールの小さいタイプであり、一人暮らしか子供のいないカップルの同棲を想定してデザインされた。直径が5.5メートルで、124m3の居住可能な体積がある。居住可能面積は55m2である。

  • Inside the cylinder-shaped base located at the bottom of the sphere, there are central heating systems with heat recovery unit and a spiral staircase. There are three floor slabs within the sphere which are accessible through the stairs. The bedroom is located on the first floor, W/C and shower room are located on the second floor, and there is a open kitchen and living room on the top floor. There are four windows in total and most of them face south east. The window is designed to be a pivot window which allows itself to revolve around its central axis. In 2009, the additional storage room was designed and installed in 2010 by utilising double FRP sheets.
